*Contract Length: Facility prefers 6 months to 1 year contracts. Need is for continuous coverage
*Facility only looking at full time locums at the moment.
*Shift Details: 40-hours of scheduled work per week. It will vary week to week as to the hours each day, but it moves between 8's, 10's, and 12's. (OT after 45 hours). They also need coverage for 24 hr + 16 hr shift per week.
Call: Call is required, 1 weekend call shift per month and 2 weeknight call shifts per month.(can opt to work 1 Sat and 1 Sun regular shift every 3 months to take the place of one of the call options)
hey are giving the option of choosing 2 of the 3 options below:
1 full weekend call shift per month
2 weeknight call shifts per month
Can opt to work 1 Saturday and 1 Sunday shift per 3 months.(This option would take the place of one of the call options above)
There are two separate types of "call" shifts (C1 and C2):
Call 1 is regular call, call 2 is the last one cut for the day. If a CRNA has call 1 one evening, they have the next day off, if they have call 2 and work past midnight –they are called off the next day. This scenario has happened less than 4-5 times in the past 10yrs (so rarely/if ever do they work past midnight). For call 2, the provider will still receive the evening call pay.
*Schedule: Locums will receive their schedule for 6-weeks at a time.
*Work Details:
·Patient population/age: Adolescent, Child, Adult, Geriatric. 90%+ of the patients are over the age of 12.
·Department description: # of operating rooms: 17 MOR, 7 DSC, plus specials, cath labs, endo, radiology.
·Hospital bed size: 378
·Skills required: Gyn, general surgery, ortho, spine, crani, plastics, lungs, healthy peds, eye, GI, structural hearts, EP, Endo, Interventional radiology, MRI. No burns, transplants, open heart, sick peds or OB. Must be comfortable with Level II Trauma cases. CRNAs will not perform their own Regional Anesthesia/Blocks, but do perform Spinal Blocks. Occasionally they will have the chance to do arterial lines, (not a requirement) no locums will do epidurals or central lines
*Practice Setting:
·Board Certification: BC required
·License required: Open to licensing.
·DEA: yes
·CSR: yes
·Minimum experience required: 1 year
*Supervision Model: The supervision model is max of 4:1 ratio.
*Credentialing Timeframe: about 30-45 days if licensed. If non-licensed/pending license, can take up to 90-120 days.
**Scrubs are provided in Dept.